1. Each island in the Florida Keys has it’s own unique personality.

There are 44 islands that are connected by 42 bridges in the Florida Keys. However, not all of these islands are actually habitable. Today we will just talk about some of the larger islands and what they feel like.

Key Largo

Key Largo is the first island that you get to when you enter the Florida Keys. This is one of the larger and longer island chains in the Keys. On this island you have two grocery stores and several different shops. If your a veteran – this is also where one of the VA office’s are; the other one is in Key West. Like all the islands in the keys, Key Largo offers great fishing and scuba diving and snorkeling. It is home to the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Key Largo is the closest island to the Main Land, which is nice if you live there because you can just shoot up to Miami, go shopping, get other supplies, and come back home to your quiet island life. It’s about an hour’s drive to Miami from Key Largo.

Since Key Largo is so close to the main land, you get a lot of people from Miami that like to come down. Some people call Key Largo little Miami. If you ask locals from the lower keys and other parts of the keys, some of the residences will tell you, you’re not really in the keys when you live in Key Largo.

If you want the island life but want to be close to the main land for things like, healthcare, grocery stores, home stores and shops, this could be the perfect fit for you.


A lot of people refer to Islamorada as the Fishing Capital of the World.

When you first come to the keys, I think everyone messes up how to pronounce Islamorada. One of the fastest ways to tell if someone is local or not is by how the way they say Islamorada. It is pronounced I. La. Mur. A. Duh – Basically, the “S” is silent.

Islamorada is known as one of the fancier and pricier islands in the keys. When driving through the keys, this part of the keys, feels more tropical and lush. The overall appearance of Islamorada is much nicer than other islands and has a certain charm to it.

Islamorada is made up of a few different islands that include Upper Matecumbe, Lower Matecumbe, and Windley Key. Islamorada has a lot of neat little boutique shops; some of the ones I really love are the Olive Morada Gift Shop, Ocean Gardens, and Wild Lily Boutique. It also has art galleries, and some of the best fine dining. Although, there are tons of shops and restaurants there, the island itself is not very walk able and there is always traffic in Islamorada.  A few years ago a Publixs grocery store was developed, which has really helped as that island change needed it.


Marathon is known as the “Heart of the Florida Keys” because it sits right smack in the middle of all the keys. Marathon has a lot to offer in terms of amenities. There is a Home Depot, two grocery stores, elementary, middle, and high school. We can’t forget there is a college too!  The private airport makes it a big attraction as well. There are several parks, and of course the famous Sombrero Beach is there. Marathon is not one of the prettiest island chains to drive through on U.S. 1. There is no main downtown area so you cannot walk in this city. The cost of homes in Marathon vary. There are a lot of streets here, where you have a multi million dollar home sitting right next to a trailer. It’s just the way it is here. Although, it’s not the prettiest island, I do love Marathon the best. I think you get the true keys feel here with a little extra amenities. Marathon has the Vaca Cut and the Seven Mile Bridge, which makes going from the gulf to the ocean a breeze.

Key Colony Beach is also located near Marathon.

Big Pine

To me, Big Pine Key is like the country of the Florida Keys. The homes are often on larger lots; it’s a more wooded area, less traffic and noise than the other islands. Of course I have to mention the Key Deer. The Key Deer are a sight to see! However, if you want to grow a garden or even put up a fence, the Key Deer makes that hard to do. The price of the homes on this island tends to be a little lower than the price of the homes in the Marathon and surrounding islands. There are several bridges located in Big Pine, which makes it a little more challenging in terms of boating. There is only one grocery store on Big Pine and only a few shops and restaurants.

Big Pine Key Deer

Key West

Key West is the last island in the Florida Keys. It’s definitely known as a party atmosphere. The homes here are super neat because they are so old. Mostly made out of wood. However, they are small so you don’t get a lot of bang for your buck. Also there are only two streets in Key West that our on a canal with water access. Duval Street is the main area in Key West. Loaded with shops and restaurants, if you have ever been to New Orleans, it’s like a mini version of that. ( at least that’s my opinion) There is a lot of things to do in Key West, and I consider it the key that is most like “City Living,” you can walk or ride your bike through the island and there is always someone on the streets.

2.  There are 4 main types of properties in the Florida Keys.

Mobile Homes

One of the first things I noticed when I started to sell real estate in the Florida Keys is that often people think modular homes and mobile homes are the same. However, they are not. Mobile homes are properties, in which the wheel axis remains on the structure. Over the years individuals have changed and added onto these structures, making it hard to tell that they are a mobile home. The best way to find out if the structure is a mobile home or not is to look underneath the property. Again, if you see that the wheel axis remains on the structure, you know for sure that the home is considered a mobile home. Another way you can tell if the home is a mobile home or not, is to look for a certificate label. This is usually a small metal tag located on the outside of the structure. On the tag it will have the serial number, model, and the date it was manufactured. In addition, the home, if your lucky, will have a data plate, which is a sheet of paper usually located inside your kitchen cabinet that includes information like who the manufacturer is, date the home was built, serial number, model number.

Modular Home Florida Keys

Modular Homes

On just about every street in the Florida Keys, you will see a modular home. These homes are built to the state and local building codes in a factory off site and then brought into the Florida Keys by truck. Typically the modular homes are transported in two parts, and then completed by professionals on site. The foundation, columns and beams are constructed on site and then the pre-fabricated home is placed on top of the beam. Many home owners choose to build a

Modular homes as they are more affordable option. In addition, during Hurricane Irma, the newer modulars faired well through the storm.

Frame Homes

Frame homes are wood homes that are built on site. This is your typical wood home. Frame homes are more affordable than a Concrete Block and Stucco home. They do require you to keep up on maintenance, as if there are any cracks in the structure, this can lead to water getting in and cause rotting. Frame homes do provide advantages if you want to make changes to your home. It is easier and cheaper to remodel a wood frame home. Walls can be demoed, moved, and additions constructed with ease.  New Construction frame homes in the Florida Keys are rare.  However, it can be done but requires a lot of extra strapping and engineering. 

Frame Home Florida Keys

Concrete Block and Stucco – CBS

Concrete Block and Stucco is the most popular home construction type in the Florida Keys.  With this type of construction, a combination of concrete blocks and pour concrete are used to construct the home.  The beams and walls will also contain rebar inside making the structure extremely strong and durable.  You can expect your CBS home to last a long time.  

However, not all CBS home are entirely made of concrete.  To save on cost, home builders have been using a combination of wood and concrete.  Often you will find a home with CBS walls and wood frame floors and trusses.  

CBS Home Florida Keys

3.  There are Not A Lot of Healthcare Options in the Florida Keys

There there 3 hospitals located in the Florida Keys. Baptist Health Mariners Hospital which is located in Tavernier, Fishermen’s Hospital in Marathon and Lower Keys Medical Center in Key West. Each of these hospitals do provide some great services.

However, if you have anything major happen to you, you are going to have to go to Miami. When it’s an emergency situation, Miami feels so far away! As residents, we do have Trauma Star, which provides emergency helicopter transportation. Trauma Star is amazing and I am truly thankful they are here!

In the past, I tried to go to one of these hospitals in hopes of having NOT, to drive all the way to Miami. I’m in Marathon, so of course I went to Fishermen’s first; then I tried again at Baptist; but in the end I ended up in Miami, and now with a larger bill! Needless to say, it wasn’t a good day! So here is my tip, take the time to know what services the hospitals provide, anything major, just go to Miami, most likely you will end up there anyway.

Dentist and eye care are also limited as well. There are a few great local ones around, so don’t get me wrong, they do exist.

If you can avoid going to the hospital, there are a few different Urgent Care Clinics. They are very good for basic things like, colds, shots, labs, plus they are a whole lot less expensive than the emergency room!

There are also not a whole lot of specialist around. If you have a condition and need to see a specialist, be sure to do your homework and or locate to an island where the drive might not be as long.

Health Care

4. You cannot have living space is your Downstairs Enclosure – Legal Nonconforming 

Due to the risk of Flooding, the homes in the Florida Keys are often raised on stilts. We don’t have a lot of garages here in the keys; often a lot of home owners just park under the house and create an area called a “Downstairs Enclosure” to store their stuff. Now a downstairs enclosure is made for storage only! You are suppose to have flood vents so that if we do get flooded the water will just flow right through the enclosure. If you have electric in your enclosure it needs to be install above flood, so you shouldn’t see any outlets near the floor. Now, when you start to go house shopping you will see a lot of people have converted this area into living space, which is not allowed. If you do change your enclosure into living space, add a bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, understand if you get caught you will most likely have to rip it all out.

Remember downstairs enclosures are for storage only. Sometimes you will run into the word – Legal Non Conforming. This happens when something like a bathroom was constructed when the county or city allowed for it, but since that time has become nonconforming due to a change in the laws, which makes it a legal non conforming situation.

Downstairs Enclosure

5. The Flood Maps are Changing in the Florida Keys

FEMA is currently working on updating their Flood Maps for Monroe County.  Draft Flood Maps for Monroe County can be found by following this link. We are currently waiting for the new maps to be set. Although the draft maps are just a draft, it is best to check them out so you can know what to expect.

Flood Zones are Changing

There are two Flood Zones.  AE and VE

According to FEMA:

Zone AE: An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding, for which Base Flood Elevations have been determined.

Zone VE: An area inundated by 1% annual chance flooding with velocity hazard (wave action) for which Base Flood Elevations have been determined.

We like to refer to Flood Zone VE  – as Very Expensive in terms of Flood insurance.   These zones tend to be near the open water.

On the New Flood Maps,  FEMA is introducing and area called, Coastal A Zones. This is shown on the draft maps as a black line with little triangles.    This line is referred to as the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA).

These areas are still considered AE however, FEMA is stating that these areas are more likely to experience higher wave action.  See image below.  

FEMA Coastal A

Since the Coastal A-Zones, are more likely to experience wave action, FEMA is recommending that these areas be built to VE Standards.  The city or county will have to adopt these recommendations. but it is highly likely that they will as they want the homeowners to obtain good insurance rates and maintain good CRS rating (Community Rating System)

Be on the look out, if your Flood Zone is changing from an AE Zone to a VE Zone, the cost of Flood Insurance is going to go up.

Flood Elevations Are Changing 

Not only are the Flood Zones changing, but also the Elevations. The new maps will be implementing FEMA’s new mapping standard called, NAVD88. With the new mapping standard, there is a difference in elevation of approximately one and a half feet.

Read Below from the Monroe County Website:

To account for this change, ON AVERAGE you should add +1.5 foot to any apparent increase. For example, if your building was in an AE-8 flood zone and is still shown in an AE-8 zone, then it actually experienced an increase of 1.5 feet. Another example, if your building was in an AE-6 flood zone and is proposed to be in an AE-9 zone, the increase appears to be three-feet.  However, the actual increase would be 4.5 feet.”

There are a lot of homes that are just above flood.  I am talking about 2-3 inches.  Once the new maps are implemented they will be, below flood.

5. Insurance in the Florida Keys can cost a fortune!

If you are getting a loan, you need 3 types of insurance:

Wind, Homeowners and Flood.

The cost of these will depend on the house condition and which Flood Zone you are in.

If you are in an AE Flood Zone, your insurance cost will be less than if you are in a VE Flood Zone.

The ideal house for the cheapest insurance would be above flood, metal roof with impact windows and doors and be in an AE Flood Zone.

Out of the 3 types of insurances – Flood insurance is the only one that can be assumed. If the current seller has a flood policy, you can assume their policy and 9 out of 10 times the cost will be less than if you had a new policy created.

Homeowners Insurance is alway the cheapest of the 3 types. On average you can expect to pay between $1,000 – $1,500 a year for it.

Wind Insurance cost will depend on the roof, doors, windows, and straps.

Attention – NEW CONSTRUCTION – If you are building a new home in the keys and have to get insurance, we have see Flood Policies for homes way above flood on stilts for around $5,000 a year!!

Florida Keys House
Florida Keys House

6. Keys Disease is Real

A lot of people come to the keys and want to open up a business or a shop. Well, finding workers and help down here is hard. A lot of times people will not show up, call you back, or will just do a lousy job.

This also goes for your everyday service providers. There is actually a company here in the keys whose slogan line is, “We Show Up”

Lucky for you, we know all the contractors, a service providers that do show up, be sure to sign up and download our guide to access the service providers who – SHOW UP

Keys Disease

7.  You can’t Rent Out Your Property for a Few Days in the Florida Keys

In Monroe County, most of the properties can only be rented for a 28 day minimum or one time a month. Now, there are a few places sprinkled through out the keys that will allow for weekly rentals and even daily. (with a Transient License) The zoning of those spots is what allows for the weekly or nightly rentals to be allowed.

A few of the island chains have unincorporated from the county, and they are their own city. Such as, Key West, Islamorada, Layton, Marathon and Key Colony Beach.

Both the City of Marathon and the City of Key Colony Beach have elected to allow for 7 day minimum rentals. Which is one reason these are in sought out. There is a lot of cash to be made with vacation rentals.

Florida Keys Rental

8. The Home Prices do not go up the closer you get to Key West.

A lot of people have this belief that the closer you get to Key West, the higher in price the home values are, and that’s not true at all! Home prices vary by neighborhoods, conditions, location, and the waterways. There are homes that cost more money in Key Largo than in Key West and vice versa.

Florida Keys Home


Amy’s success as a Florida Keys Elite Agent and Diamond Award Winner is truly awe-inspiring. With over a decade of experience in the real estate industry, she has cemented her position as a trailblazer and pioneer. Her unwavering commitment to excellence is reflected in her impressive academic credentials, which include a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Management. Amy’s marketing programs are simply unmatched, ensuring that your property is showcased to the widest audience of potential buyers, thus guaranteeing maximum exposure.


Amy Prumo
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